When it comes to your business technology, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best. Unfortunately, technology is one facet where many business owners feel they have the least amount of control. Perhaps due to its many moving parts and overwhelming complexity. The question becomes how you want to approach managing your business’ technology. Then, finding the right skill sets to do so. Enter the benefits of managed IT services.

You generally have two options for your IT needs. Hire an in-house department or outsource the responsibilities to a third party. Which approach best suits your needs?

Hiring an in-house department of IT technicians can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. Just like with any other position at your company, you will have to put together the job description, duties and responsibilities, and preferred requirements. That’s not to mention the time it takes to advertise the position, collect resumes and applications, put together a search committee, and interview successful candidates. Add in the onboarding process and any training that they might need and you have a lengthy process. Additionally, that process isn’t conducive to the “I need help right now” mode that many organizations find themselves in with their IT.

The alternative is to outsource your entire IT department to a dedicated third party. Believe it or not, this is a remarkably valuable asset for your organization to have. Plus, most IT maintenance and management can be done remotely without an on-site visit. This means that you are not limited by the traditional barriers to finding top talent. You could work with a reputable company halfway across the country if you want to. Additionally, you can afford to be picky with who you hire for the job.

Note the key difference between your in-house IT talent and outsourcing. Hiring an in-house IT department is dependent on other peoples’ qualifications rather than what you want for your IT needs. When it comes to your business, you should do what you think is best for your specific needs. If that is outsourcing to find the best fit for your company, then you should never be ashamed of that.

We always recommend that you start with an IT audit to ascertain where you currently are in terms of your IT infrastructure versus where you want to be. 4 Corner IT is happy to help with this process. After we gauge your current network infrastructure, we can work with you to identify your company’s major IT challenges. Then, implement solutions that address them.

Or, if you would rather hire in-house technicians, we can supplement their duties and responsibilities by covering the more mundane parts of the job, like supporting your team and performing routine maintenance. This frees up valuable time and resources for your technicians to focus on what you hired them to do: innovate and implement. It does not matter where you currently are in your IT processes–we can jump right in and provide value for your company.

To learn more about our benefits of managed IT services, reach out to 4 Corner IT at (954) 474-2204.

One Response

  1. I am glad that you mentioned that outsourcing IT services is a viable option for businesses. My husband owns a business and he spends a lot of time doing IT work. I think it would be smart for him to consider hiring an outside IT service so he can focus on other business dealings.

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