How to Make Autocorrect Less Ducking Annoying

a man sitting in front of a laptop computer

While autocorrect is an excellent feature for mobile devices to offer, we all know how much of a pain it can be when it accidentally creates text typos. This leaves many individuals feeling embarrassed and stupid, when they were trying to compose a message to their loved ones or business clients. Keep reading as we discover how to adjust your autocorrect settings, so you can avoid some of the most humiliating autocorrect fails in the future.

How to Adjust Android Settings for Autocorrect

The information we’re going to share here is suitable for anyone using the Gboard keyboard that Google has added to Android settings. Firstly, you’ll need to head to the Settings app, then select System, Languages and Input, On-screen keyboard, Gboard, and lastly Text correction.

When you get here, you’ll see an option to switch auto-correction on or off. There’s also another button to switch off predictive text under the Show suggestion strip selection. Here you’ll find some other customization options to avoid autocorrect fails too, such as switching off the ability to use vulgar words.

The Dictionary feature allows you to add words to your own dictionary, which can be a great feature. Just press the + button to add any words you frequently use, so that Gboard can recognized them when you next use them. This can help to avoid autocorrect fails that will embarrass you with your family and friends.

One thing we particularly appreciate about the Android setting options is that you can also help it to learn how to make better predictions. When you click through System, Languages and Input, On-screen keyboard, Gboard, and Advanced, you can then select Improve voice & typing for all using data saved on your device and clear the data to delete any learned words and data on the device.

How to Adjust iOS Settings for Autocorrect

You’ll find that with iOS settings, there are fewer options for personalization, but you can still navigate to Settings, then select Keyboard to activate or deactivate your Predictive and Auto-Correction options. When you disable Check Spelling, you’ll find that misspelled words won’t be highlighted, but you will still be able to click on words to receive spelling suggestions.

For predictive text, you can reset the dictionary on your phone to start over again. Go to Settings, then select General. In Transfer or Reset Phone, choose Reset and Reset Keyboard Dictionary.

Let Us Help You Avoid Common Autocorrect Fails

Following the steps we’ve shared above can help you to avoid making simple mistakes in the future when texting personal contacts or business clients. While some autocorrect fails will leave you all laughing, others could cost your business greatly. Our team is here to help you prevent mistakes and protect your company’s data. Contact us today for more information about how we can assist your business to avoid these embarrassing errors and text typos in the future.

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3 Cyber Security Issues Businesses Should Prepare For

a man standing in front of a laptop in a server room

Cyber security should be a top priority for all businesses, regardless of size. The unfortunate reality is that many business owners do not take the necessary steps to secure their data, which could lead to significant problems further down the line.  

As technology becomes more advanced and hackers become more sophisticated, it is important to stay on top of these issues so that your company doesn’t fall victim. In this article, we will highlight three cyber security issues that you need to address before it’s too late! 

Mobile Malware 

Increased dependence on mobile devices has led to increased mobile cyber-attacks. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the fact that people have become increasingly reliant on their mobile devices. 

In 2020, it is estimated that there were two trillion text messages sent. These texts could contain “phishing” attempts whereby malicious actors could attempt to access sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, and account numbers. 

Bank apps and other apps with sensitive information are also at risk. Consumers typically download new apps without doing any research on the company, so it’s critical to do your homework, before adding these apps to your device.  

Check if other users have downloaded and installed the app before you install it yourself. Read the reviews, and conduct a search on Google or one of the other search engines to cover as many bases as possible.  

Compliance Fatigue 

The list of compliance standards grows each day with technology updates and new threats. Compliance fatigue is a real risk faced by businesses that can lead to costly mistakes and time investments. However It’s more cost effective to keep up to date now rather than face the inevitable repercussions of not doing so later 

Lack Of Awareness and Education About Cyber Security 

Many people have no idea that phishing and other cyber scams are a problem. Any security is only as strong as its weakest point.  Employees are a network’s biggest weakness, so education about the dangers of cyber security is one way for them to be aware of the risks they face with every click on their computer or mobile device. 

When it comes to cyber security, you need to take precautions at every level: from your on-site systems and data storage, all the way up through the different layers of technology that connect with various parts of your business. Engaging with a trusted MSP like 4Corner IT can help mitigate cyber security risks. 

5 Ways to Make Money with Mobile Marketing Strategies

a collage of people holding smart phones

The mobile phone has almost become an extension of human bodies. It’s very rare for people not to own one. Society in the past few years has stepped up a notch and moved by using smartphones that can access the internet as easily as using a desktop computer.

Engagement in mobile phones has increased dramatically and is projected to keep growing. Users of all ages and class are always using their device wherever they go for multiple hours a day. They are constantly bombarded with news, social media, text messages, emails etc.

A good mobile marketing strategy should be able to capitalize on society’s obsession with their phones. A well-placed strategy targeted for mobile will greatly benefit a business’ revenue if done correctly.

Mobile marketing strategies should first be able to attract the attention of users. It should also be as minimally intrusive as possible to prevent users from being discouraged to click through. And it shouldn’t interrupt the mobile user experience too dramatically. Below are five ways mobile marketing strategy can increase revenue for businesses.


Banners are a pretty simple way to increase revenue in mobile. Banners are very common in apps where it is easily seen as people use the app. Banners usually take up a small percentage of the screen but broadcast as much information needed to attract the user to click.

Banners are even more effective when it grabs the attention of the user in a creative way. When placed in the optimal spot on the screen, it could lead to an increase in lead generation and overall conversion.

Social Media

Social media has evolved to be deeply integrated with mobile. People find it easier to access their social media using their phones that they constantly carry. A marketing strategy that capitalizes on this fact will greatly increase the revenue of a business. Companies could greatly increase their social media presence to gain more audience.

Tapping influencers and negotiating a paid post or a mention could draw attention to a business’ product or service. Social media in mobile also has the added advantage of being able to share easily. Any interesting marketing campaign can be viewed by countless users in a matter of minutes by just one click. This could increase lead generation and conversion for a business.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is a type of marketing strategy involving paid media that enhances the ad experience of the audience. It is designed to seamlessly integrate the natural function and form of the user experience. This makes the ad feel more organic and entice the user to seek more information by clicking the ad.

This is particularly influential in mobile because more and more people access the internet through their phone. Marketing strategies that use native advertising could be more effective than others because the ad is well-placed. Native advertising includes videos, articles, infographics and so much more.

Location-Based Service

Many marketing strategies take advantage of location-based services. This allows for a quicker and a more efficient way of connecting a customer to a business. This is particularly advantageous to local businesses within a particular area. Using the location information of a customer looking for a product or service, a list of possible vendors will be provided based on their proximity to the customer.

Location-based services also use satellite navigation to determine a certain location. Businesses who offer one-of-a-kind products or service will be connected to people across the world looking for what they offer.

Text Messaging Campaign

A simple and time-tested marketing strategy a business could increase their revenue is through text messaging campaign. A business already possessing the cellular number of a good number of customers can send various campaigns, deals, coupons, events and other information to customers easily through text.

And because cellular phones have become ubiquitous in today’s society, the information is easily passed and seen. Some customers who don’t regularly check online will still see the available products and services a company offers through text. This is particularly effective for local businesses.

Author Bio: Kerry Books, an ardent blogger, loves to write about digital marketing and web development. She frequently blogs at Arcanemarketing, a leading online marketing agency based in Idaho Falls. 

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