network support If you’re like most companies today, there comes a time when the devices, desktops and laptops you’re using just don’t offer what the new models can.

It becomes important to upgrade so that your staff has access to all the resources and software they need to do their jobs, and so that your company can grow. However, getting rid of old equipment and devices is not something that any manager or business owner should take lightly.

A typical Google search for device cleaning, data wiping and hard drive erasure software programs will yield a plethora of consumer results. However, though many of these product manufacturers talk tough in their online marketing campaigns, their products often don’t do what they claim they do.

As a business owner, you must completely purge any device you are thinking of giving away.

Maybe you’re planning to donate used desktops to the local high school or church. Maybe you’re going to give some used laptops to staff family members. However, you must prepare for the rogue element in any equation.

The good news is, when people actually use classified information to carry out crimes, they will eventually go to jail. Internet activity like this is easily traceable. However, when you run a business, there is more to consider. You’re risking

There’s no need to deal with headaches like these.

Most business owners and managers would be shocked to learn digital forensic experts and garden variety hackers alike routinely recover tons of PII, (personally identifiable information) such as:

… from resold or gifted HDDs and SDDs, (hard disk drives and solid state drives).

When you delete a file and it goes to the recycling bin, it’s still on your computer somewhere. In addition, many encryption products offered on the general consumer market still don’t offer enough security, since your average criminal is now learning more about how to reverse, decode and piece back together data after encryption.

The only way to truly make sure your company data is completely gone before you resell or gift your used devices is to work with a network support specialist that offers secure data erasure.

No consumer product on the market to date can offer this level of protection. This type of data removal sanitizes all necessary IT assets including desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, virtual drives, extra SSDs and HDDs and even your server. Contact us today to learn more.

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